February 24, 2025

School board considers new bleachers for Berg

Retainage fees, 2019-20 calendar amendments also on docket

Berg Middle School may receive new bleachers.

At the Newton Community School District Board of Education meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday at E.J.H. Beard Administration Center, members will consider approving a bid for bleachers in the one-year-old middle school.

Agenda documents list the bid by TownsEnd Co. for $87,825. This will be financed through the middle school’s construction fund dollars. NCSD Director of Business Services Tim Bloom and NCSD Maintenance Supervisor Jack Suttek will present the action item to the board.

Retainage fees for
softball complex

Phase two construction of the softball complex is completed. Now, contractor Edge Commercial, LLC, is asking the $23,525.64 retainage fee be released by the school board.

A retainage fee is an amount of money typically withheld from a contractor until a project is completed. This set fee was approved beforehand by both the contractor and the school.

Now that the second phase construction of the softball complex is finished, the board will decide whether to release the retainage fee at this given time.

Public hearing for 2020-21 calendar

The school board will hold a public hearing at 6:45 p.m. to discuss the School Improvement Advisory Committee’s recommended 2020-21 school district calendar. The date was set weeks in advance of the meeting.

Prior to the adoption of a school’s calendar, a public hearing must be held. Changes or comments will be considered during that time. Once the public hearing is closed, the board will consider approving the calendar.

The item will be presented by Laura Selover, director of human resources, and Bret Miller, director of teaching and learning. Again, board members will have a chance to discuss the matter before taking action.

Amendment to 2019-20 calendar

Board members will consider Selover’s and Miller’s recommendation to amend the 2019-20 school calendar. The date listed on the agenda is for March 25, a Wednesday.

Currently, there is no special occasion marked on that particular date.

“The Bridge” website data update

At the Jan. 27 school board meeting, NCSD Superintendent Bob Callaghan asked that the website data update for The Bridge be tabled until the next meeting. On Monday night, board members will revisit the item.

When the board of education voted in favor of a marketing agreement with Liebel Marketing Group to create more content for The Bridge — the communication application included on the school district website providing updates to parents and the general public — they wanted to receive updates.

This update will include information from November and December. Based on the school district’s Vimeo page, a number of promotional videos showcasing people and events have been created and posted over the past few months.

Update on ISEA president’s visit

School board members will be briefed on the outcome of Iowa State Education Association President Mike Beranek’s visit to the Newton school district a few weeks ago.

According to information provided to Newton Daily News following his visit, Beranek toured each building and met with several staff members. The ISEA president was reportedly impressed with how well the buildings looked and “how wonderful the students were and what great teachers we have here.”

Beranek read books to third classes and dropped in on multiple classrooms in Newton campuses. He has visited more than 140 school districts in Iowa and remarked Newton “is one of the best.” Community support for the school district is very evident, he said.

More updates and information will be provided to board members.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 6560 or cbraunschweig@newtondailynews.com