The Jasper County Health Department, in collaboration with Skiff Medical Center, recently completed a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) process, with subsequent Health Improvement Plan (HIP).
The CHNA-HIP process reviews the health of Jasper County residents by analyzing information from a variety of sources, including resident surveys, census information and health indicator
information. This process is completed every three to five years by county public health agencies across the state of Iowa to determine the health issues that put residents at risk.
In the most recent assessment, citizens of Jasper County ranked mental health as the community’s No. 1 health issue. The mental health concern was described as a lack of affordable, available and accessible mental health services for suicide prevention, crisis mental health incidents and mental health promotion.
Child abuse/neglect and tobacco use were ranked second and third, respectively. Jasper County is reported as having 29.3 percent incidence reported for child neglect and/or child abuse compared to the statewide average of 17 percent. Also higher than the state average of 17 percent is adult tobacco use in Jasper County, which is estimated at 19 percent.
Other issues identified as affecting community health included addictions, reduction of fall-related injuries, violent/abusive behavior, healthy homes, radon testing, immunizations, Public Health Nursing emergency preparedness, transportation and dental care.
A full report of Jasper County's assessment may be viewed by visiting and clicking on "About Skiff."