April 25, 2024

Fall is here, drivers need to beware of farm equipment on roadways

To the editor:

Fall is upon us and with the changing colors and cooler temperatures come harvest time. The farmers will soon be and are out in the fields bringing in the crops.

To drivers, this means there will be large, slow-moving equipment on the roadways. Some of this equipment will be oversized and traveling well below the speed limit.

Drivers need to exercise caution and slow down when around these vehicles. They cannot move as fast as your car and have just as much right to the road as you.

Scan the road ahead, especially near curves and hills. Watch those field drives. Drivers finding themselves behind farm implements should not tailgate and need to allow extra space.

Do not pass in a no-passing zone. All traffic laws pertain to everyone on the road. Drive defensively. Be prepared for everything.

Driving is the number one job when behind the wheel. There is valuable cargo in your vehicle: you and your family.

Let’s make this harvest season safe and accident-free. Slow down, buckle up and don’t drink and drive.

Senior Trooper Doug Cutts

Safety Education Officer

Iowa State Patrol