March 14, 2025

Newton reps to attend Preserve Iowa Summit

Main Street Iowa program to be among topics discussed

This week, a trio of community leaders from Newton will attend the 2013 Preserve Iowa Summit in Burlington. Among the topics to be discussed at the summit will be the Main Street Iowa program.

Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Darrell Sarmento and Travis Walker of U.S. Bank will be attending the summit specifically for sessions dealing with the Main Street program.

“Travis and I are attending to learn more about the Main Street program as we move forward to begin the Main Street application process this fall,” Sarmento said. “I want to give a special thanks to U.S. Bank for funding a portion of our trip. The conference will afford us the opportunity to learn more and meet with other Main Street leaders from around our state as well as attend seminars on effective downtown revitalization.”

Another representative who has an interest in the Main Street program is Rita Reinheimer of the City of Newton Historic Preservation Commission. The commission is in the final stages of an effort to receive an official designation for the Downtown Historic District from the National Register of Historic Places.

Reinheimer said she is also interested in the seminars focusing on the Main Street Program and how the program can partner with and enhance historic preservation efforts in the community.

The mission of the Main Street Iowa program is to improve the social and economic well-being of Iowa’s communities by assisting selected communities to capitalize on the unique identity, assets and character of their historic commercial district. The Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce has been leading the effort for Newton to become a Main Street Community.

Sarmento said the Chamber will be announcing more developments in this effort in early November. For more information about Main Street Iowa, visit To get involved in the Main Street Community effort in Newton, contact the Chamber at, or call (641) 792-5545.