March 31, 2025

Manage My Print Subscription - Newton Daily News

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Reference Guide

This quick reference guide will help you become better acquainted with our delivery and billing procedures and the many reader services offered.

• Subscribing• Vacation Services• Change of Address• Delivery Problem• Questions About Bill Payment• Mail Subscription

Going On Vacation?

Be sure to contact the post office when you are going on vacation and request a mail hold. Your newspapers will collect with your regular mail and will be delivered to you when your mail resumes.

Missed Delivery Service

If you have not received your Newton News in the mail, call our Customer Service Department at:

(641) 792-5320 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Delivery Times

Newton News: The Tuesday and Friday editions of your newspaper will be delivered at the same time as your USPS mail service.

Jasper County Weeklies: Each weekly will be delivered with the mail on Thursdays.

Change Of Address

If you are moving within the area, please call us about transferring your subscription from your old address to your new address at least 3 days before moving.

Newton Daily News Subscription Information

Subscription Payment Options

For your convenience, we offer the following payment options:


Duration13 week26 week52 week
Mail Route$33.00$66.00$132.00

You can authorize the newspaper to charge your subscription to your credit card. We accept Master Card and Visa.

Gift Subscription

The Newton Daily News would also make a great gift for relatives or friends.

For more information, please call

(641) 792-5320

Single Copy Price: $1.00

Jasper County Weeklies Subscription Information

Includes: Jasper County Tribune, PCM Explorer

All of the subscription rates are the same for both publications.


12 Months

In State: $52

Out of State: $57

For More Information, please call: (641) 792-5320

Single Copy Price: $1.00

About Your Payment

Subscribers may choose from two convenient payment methods. You may be invoiced, with options to pay us by mail, quarterly, twice a year or yearly, or you may choose convenient EZ-Pay Plan. EZ-Pay subscribers enjoy the convenience of automatic billing to their credit card or checking account. EZ-Pay will bill you monthly. We accept Visa and Mastercard. You may also pay in person at the customer service counter. We accept personal checks, credit cards, money orders and cash.

If you need to interrupt your service for any length of time, such as vacations, call the subscriber services number and we will stop delivery of your paper. You will not be charged for any newspapers you have asked us not to deliver.

Back Issues

Back issues of the Newton Daily News for the previous 60-day period are available at the customer service counter. The cost of the paper is $1.00.

To inquire about a back issue or to have one mailed, please call:

(641) 792-5320