March 15, 2025

Newton wrestling finishes fourth at C-M dual tourney

L-S, C-M both defeat HLV to finish eighth, ninth, respectively

COLFAX — Six Cardinals went 5-0 and Newton’s wrestling team tripled its win total for the year as the Cardinals finished fourth at the Colfax-Mingo dual tournament on Saturday.

Lynnville-Sully and Colfax-Mingo were both 1-4 on the day with the Hawks finishing eighth and the Tigerhawks ninth.

In pool play action, Newton defeated HLV 59-12, took down L-S 58-18 and handed Des Moines North/Hoover a 46-28 loss. The Cardinals moved to the third-place dual after losing 39-30 to Pleasantville in a fourth pool play matchup.

Newton wrestled Knoxville for third and lost 48-33.

All three area programs defeated HLV. Lynnville-Sully’s win over the Warriors came in pool play action as the Hawks won 40-21. L-S lost 42-36 to North/Hoover and 63-12 to Pleasantville in pool play.

In the seventh-place match, L-S and North Mahaska went to criteria after tying at 36-all. The Warhawks won the dual because it had a 4-3 advantage in forfeit wins.

The Tigerhawks lost all four duals in pool play, falling 36-30 to North Mahaska, 31-18 to Hinton, 60-19 to Treynor and 62-12 to Knoxville.

In the ninth-place dual, Colfax-Mingo downed HLV 30-18.

The Cardinals took six forfeits and were 4-2 in contested matches against HLV. Brennan Amos (145), William Muckler (285) and Zane Biondi (182) all won by fall and James Wenndt (170) won his match 19-3.

Newton took three forfeits against North/Hoover and was 5-3 in contested matches. Those contested wins came by fall from Amos, Jason Weithers (126), Muckler and Owen Sanger (195) and Wenndt won 16-7.

Against L-S, Newton took five forfeits and it was 5-2 in contested matches. The contested wins came by fall from Amos, Wenndt and Sanger, Colin Sharp won 19-2 and Avery White won 15-0.

In the nine-point loss to Pleasantville, Newton gave up six points in forfeits and was 6-6 in contested matches. Amos, Sharp, Wenndt and Sanger all won by fall, Dayton Petithory (106) won 11-9 and Muckler downed Class 1A No. 10 Matthew Kauffman 8-6.

The Cardinals lost by 15 to Knoxville and gave up 12 points in forfeits. They were 5-6 in contested matches with Petithory, Amos, Wenndt and Sanger all winning by fall and Sharp winning 6-1.

Amos (17-3), Petithory, Sharp, Wenndt, Sanger (12-5) and Muckler were (16-5) all 5-0 on the day. Amos had five pins, Sanger recorded four pins and Wenndt tallied three pins. Jason Weithers was 3-2 on the day.

L-S got five forfeit wins and was 2-1 in contested matches against HLV. The contested wins came from Maxwell Mintle (145) by fall and Kyle Squires (170) won 12-4.

In the narrow loss to North Mahaska, the Hawks got three forfeit wins but gave up four forfeits. They were 3-2 in contested matches with Mintle (23-3), Reese Dunsbergen (152) and Gabe Wearmouth (160) all winning by fall.

L-S gave up five forfeits in a six-point loss to North/Hoover. The Hawks were 4-2 in contested matches with Mintle, Squires, C.J. Snethen (138) and Miles Mintle (220) all winning by fall.

In the loss to Newton, Snethen and Wearmouth both won by fall and Gentry Walston (113) took a forfeit.

The Hawks’ only two wins against Pleasantville came by fall from Maxwell Mintle and Miles Mintle (14-6).

Maxwell Mintle and Miles Mintle were both 4-1 on the day, while Walston (25-8), Dunsbergen (21-10), Wearmouth and Squires all finished 3-2.

In the Tigerhawks’ win over HLV, C-M took two forfeits and was 3-2 in contested matches. Hunter Stevens (152), Shane Aikin (182) and Kenny Schlosser (285) all won by fall.

In the narrow loss to North Mahaska, C-M gave up four forfeits but were 4-2 in contested matches. John McGill (126), Austin Lane (132), Stevens and Aikin all won by fall.

In the loss to Hinton, the Tigerhawks gave up three forfeits and were 3-3 in contested matches. Stevens (30-8) won by fall, Class 1A No. 7 Noah Strohmeyer (113) won 5-3 and Aikin (20-14) won 11-6.

The Tigerhawks gave up seven forfeits in the loss to Treynor. Strohmeyer (28-4) won by fall, McGill (34-5) won 12-4 and Lane won 11-7 as C-M was 3-3 in contested matches.

The two contested wins for C-M against Knoxville came from McGill and Stevens, who won 7-4 and 12-7, respectively.

Strohmeyer, McGill and Stevens all were 4-1 with Stevens winning three times by fall. Aikin, Lane and Schlosser (18-4) all were 3-2 on the day.

McGill’s four wins brings his season win total to 34 matches, which is a new freshman record at Colfax-Mingo.