March 12, 2025

Reminiscing With Winter Memories of Days Gone By

For some, Winter memories include a smartphone, a computer, or fancy winter sports equipment to help pass the time during the cold and snowy winter months. Many individuals have memories of good old-fashioned fun that didn’t require electricity or a hefty price tag.

When snow was plentiful, there were many outdoor activities to enjoy. Adults and children alike would make snowmen, snow angels, and snow forts, which would occasionally be constructed across from each other so a snowball fight could ensue.

Some small towns would hold winter carnivals, replete with activities galore. Ski joring, from the Norwegian word “skikjoring” (meaning “ski driving”), is a winter sport where a person on skis is pulled by a horse, a dog, or a motor vehicle. Races across frozen lakes would be on the docket, along with treasure hunts, ski jump competitions, ice skating races and exhibitions, ice dancing, and snow sculpture competitions. Races were also held for those riding a seat fashioned to a single ski and trying to stay balanced while riding down a hill.

Frozen ponds were home to many a pond hockey competition. These ponds were also terrific for skaters of all levels of talent, for racing, and for ice fishing.

An abundance of snow provided opportunities for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and tobogganing, if you could find hills that were high enough. Sledding was very popular, and toboggans were great because they could hold a large number of people.

Winter hiking and camping were fun if the temperature wasn’t too cold. Bonfires were popular ways of keeping large crowds toasty warm, while enjoying hot cider or hot chocolate.

While many of these activities are continued today, the thought of participating in these fun winter pastimes brings a smile to those who have enjoyed these fun memories.

Newton Village

110 N. 5th Avenue W

Newton, Iowa 50208
