Getting routine physical check-ups, exercising regularly, and eating nutritional meals are three well-known ways for seniors to contribute to their own healthy aging process. One’s health is also positively affected by a strong involvement in social activities and support networks, where people volunteer their time and expertise to benefit community service organizations (Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.) and other groups that serve the public. Volunteering your time and energy helps strengthen your community, and also offers important physical and emotional benefits. Here are 3 ways seniors can benefit by volunteering:
1. Improved mental health. Volunteering helps keep the brain active, which in turn can improve cognition. This can lower the risk of dementia and other mental health issues in seniors.
2. Increased physical activity. Maintaining a healthy fitness level can help ward off diseases as you age.
3. Lower risk of isolation and depression. Volunteering can have a positive impact on your psychological health. It provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment, and can also offer social support. Many seniors are at risk for social isolation and other age-related issues, and volunteering can reduce dependency and feelings of isolation.
Overall, volunteering can contribute to a healthy aging process by enhancing a person’s wellbeing, sense of purpose, and self-confidence, thus increasing one’s life satisfaction.
Many local volunteer opportunities are available in the Newton area. The Jasper County Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and the Auxiliary with the local hospital are great options. Non-profit organizations, including Newton Village, love to welcome volunteers! Newton Village volunteers help with activities like calling BINGO, assisting with fun trips, and even helping residents with gardening. Volunteers are able to make a difference in the lives of others in addition to enhancing their own!
For more information about volunteer opportunities at Newton Village, please contact:
Newton Village
110 N. 5th Avenue W
Newton, Iowa 50208