The Prairie City Lions Club partnered with the PCM Key Club for a pancake breakfast Jan. 25. The Lions Club conducts pancake breakfasts one Saturday per month from October to April to raise money to support local groups.
Members of the Key Club helped with advertising for the pancake breakfast and with serving the meals. Two students attended the Lions Club meeting Feb. 13 where they updated the club on projects they have completed and how they intend to use the Lions Club donation.
The breakfast netted $238.62 of profit which was donated to the PCM Key Club. Lion President Greg Townley presented a check to the team at the Lions Club meeting. The PCM Key Club was represented by Addison Steenhoek and Abbie Teeter.
The next pancake breakfast will be from 7 to 9 a.m. Saturday, March 29 at the Prairie City Community Center with proceeds going to the Lions Club Project Fund.
If you are interested in joining the Lions Club, you are invited to contact Lion President Greg Townley at 515-321-5085, email or contact one of the other members to learn more about becoming a member.