March 14, 2025

PC Lions donate to PCM Shooters Club

Lions Club President Greg Townley presents a $661.17 check to PCM Shooters Club representatives (from left): Coach Dusten Engel, Isabelle Lusk, president Greg Townley, Jonathon Swan and Levi Stevenson.

By Greg Townley

Special to the PCM Explorer

The Prairie City Lions Club conducts pancake breakfasts one Saturday per month from October to April to raise money to support local groups. The breakfast Oct. 26 was to support the PCM Shooters Club. The club teaches gun safety and shooting skills to high school students who compete at local and state competitions.

Members of the Shooting Club helped with advertising for the pancake breakfast and with serving the meals. Then a few of the students and their coach attended the Lions Club meeting on Jan. 9 to give a presentation about their sport and the success they have had. They also talked about the cost involved with traveling to competitions and buying ammunition.

The breakfast netted $661.17 profit which was donated to the PCM Shooters Club. Lion President Greg Townley presented a check to the team at the Lions Club meeting Jan. 9. The PCM Shooting Club was represented by Dusten Engle (coach) and shooters Jonathan Swan, Levi Stevenson, and Isabelle Lusk.

The Prairie City Lions Club stays active throughout the year and does a lot to support the community. More members are needed. If you are interested in serving the community, you are invited to contact Townley at 515-321-5085 or email or one of the other members to learn more about becoming a member.