September 27, 2024

Club News

L-R: Arnie Sohn (sponsor), Jason Wahlert (new member), Greg Townley (sponsor), Jon Buys (new member), Kathy and Jim Bright (new members), Rich Roorda (sponsor), Bill Pollard (Regional Chair and Past Council Chair). Lion Pollard inducted the new members.

Prairie City Lions Club

The Prairie City Lions Club inducted four new members at their regular monthly meeting Thursday, Oct. 12 at Coffee and Carnations in Prairie City. Following a delicious meal prepared by restaurant owners, Melody and Morgan Burkman, president Greg Townley opened the meeting with members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer.

Lion Townley introduced Lion Bill Pollard (Regional Chair and Past Council Chair) who called forward the following new members and their sponsors: Jim Bright (sponsor- Rich Roorda), Kathy Bright (sponsor- Rich Roorda), Jason Wahlert (sponsor- Arnie Sohn), and Jon Buys (sponsor- Greg Townley). Lion Pollard conducted the induction of new officers and presented them with membership pins, certificates and welcome packets. He also presented the Melvin Jones Award to Lions Larry Wenthe and Mike Dalton in recognition of their service to the Lions Club. Finally, he presented a 2023-2024 Chevron to the president to attach to the club’s banner beneath the Melvin Jones Fellowship patch.

In other business, the club received a report from treasurer Lion Gene Vande Lune of proceeds received at their first pancake breakfast of the year held Sept. 30. Funds will be used for the Lions Project Fund to support various projects in the community. The next pancake breakfast is scheduled from 7 to 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 28 at the Prairie City Community Building and proceeds will be donated to the PCM Trap Shooters. The public is invited to come out and support the Lions and Trap Shooters at the pancake breakfast.

The Lions Club is assisting with a blood drive scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 18 at the First Reformed Church in Prairie City. Community members are encouraged to come out and donate blood.

The Prairie City Lions Club stays active throughout the year and does a lot to support the community. More members are needed. If you are interested in serving the community, you are invited to contact Lion President Greg Townley at 515-321-5085 or or one of the other members to learn more about becoming a member.