March 06, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Life will be better

Letter to the Editor

Life will be better, or at least I presume so, after we load freight trains full of immigrants and deposit them in some desert in northern Mexico. Now I personally don’t know any illegal immigrants, nor do I know anyone that does know any, so I haven’t felt personal fear from them; but life will obviously be better, more secure, and idyllic if we get rid of them.

How do I know this? It has to be. The major issue raised in the last national election was illegal immigration. In speeches, editorials, and satellite news, we have heard the constant refrain of the awfulness of this hoard of people coming across the border uninvited. There must be a rather striking difference between an invited immigrant and an uninvited immigrant. Apparently there is sufficient danger in this hoard of illegals to frighten the most stalwart. The danger increases daily. Loading up trainloads of immigrants is of such importance that the whole country must be reminded daily of the danger of not accomplishing this. The danger is imminent. We must all be on board with this homeland cleansing sort of thing.

Obviously the danger must be to our way of life, our wellbeing, our very existence. It has to be. One can not go through a day in contact with others either at work, at the gym, or attending some sporting event, without hearing random comments of the dangers posed by illegal immigrants. I’ve even heard say that they come armed with high powered weapons and backpacks full of fentanyl. We certainly don’t condone this behavior and the quicker we get rid of several million of these people and finish building that wall between us and Mexico, all will be well. Those who say so have convinced me.

The word I used “those” is a key here. Apparently everyone knows more than I do. I try to be somewhat up on national and world events by subscribing to a few newspapers and monthly publications but I’ll be darned if I have felt any impending doom. Now I have been told, by a neighbor actually (not in Mingo) that there is an apartment in New Jersey with a group of illegal immigrants with high-powered firepower. Our governor has sent Iowa State troopers to the border to help control this flood of drugs and criminals coming into the United States. There was one illegal immigrant that was convicted of a heinous sex crime somewhere here in the States. Apparently and clearly I should be more aware.

So the facts speak for themselves; they have to go. Our well being depends on us being rid of these people. Just because we make their lives even more miserable than it already is should not deter us. Our lives and comfort are what count. Always has been and always will be. Just because you are miserable, have nothing, and nowhere to go, this is not my problem.

Richard E. H. Phelps II
