February 03, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Bring some real industries to Newton

Letter to the Editor

I’ve been following this whole splash pad drama, which is quickly turning into a farcical joke around town.

I’m especially referring to the bickering going on between the mayor and city council members over everything involving this mess.

I found it amusing to read where our mayor stated that she had been getting “nothing but positive comments about the splash pad.”

I find that statement difficult to swallow, as I have sent the mayor and council members emails over many issues where I also expressed my negative opinion about this splash pad project.

It seems the mayor and I must travel in different social circles here, as everyone I have talked to about this project has not been too enthusiastic about not only the idea, but the amounts of money that will be needed to make this thing happen.

I’m not exactly sure who all these people are who are coming to our downtown area that the mayor is talking about when defending this splash pad. I don’t see much going on our downtown square to bring visitors and residents and young families to the area, or to any area of Newton for that matter. And I seriously doubt a splash pad sitting on a corner parking lot will make up for years of stagnation.

How about focusing more on bringing some real industries to Newton and less on these pet projects that it seems only a handful of people are excited about?

John Moore
