February 05, 2025

Letter to the Editor: The National Election is in process

Abortion is a major issue concerning women’s rights. Her rights or the rights of the innocent unborn child. The issue here is the life of baby is in the balance.

In Luke, Chapter 1: There is an account of the birth of two children. One to Zacharius and Elisabeth. It was announced by an angel. He was to be a boy, he was to be strong and filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb. V15. The other child birth was also announced by an angel in V30-31 that Mary would bare a son and call His name Jesus.

There is a statement in the Old Testament Ex 21-22 that if a man injure a woman while pregnant and she loses that child he would be punished for he killed a child.

A woman has many rights over her own body but murder is not one of them. The issue here is not one of rights but one of responsibility. Not to end a pregnancy but to prevent one. We are more human with our pets and animals than with our own children!

There are many options available to prevent a pregnancy, many readily available and reliable mechanical devices, birth control pills, surgical procedures, vasectomy, hysterectomy, abstinence and probably other options such as adoptions, foster care and extended family support.

Our rights end when we impose our rights over the rights of others. Our Bill of Rights and one is the right to life. Other issues are a threat to our survival as a nation. The border disaster, national security, rule of law, drugs, child abuse, corruption in government, terrorists, leadership, wars and threats of wars, trillions in debt, enemies from within, communism, socialism and Marxism. We cannot survive four more years of the agenda of the last four years.

This election will determine the survival of our constitution, freedom of speech, our nation as we know it today. Don’t vote out of hate, but out of love for your country while we still have one. We can not support the needs of millions and millions of illegals pouring in on a daily basis and deny the needs of our own citizens. It’s insane.

God bless America, land that I love.

Clayton Newell
