October 22, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Ensuring your vote is counted accurately

Letter to the Editor

As I went downtown to cast my early ballot this week, I thought about how secure and safe our system of voting is. Every precaution is being taken to ensure every valid vote can be cast and counted accurately. Almost painstakingly so, which in this political climate is a good thing.

Another thing that came to mind, and something I think many voters have forgotten, is that in this country we have the right to keep our vote secret. Why on earth so many people respond to polls, or reporters, or anyone asking them who they voted for or are planning to vote for is beyond me.

Vote your conscience, no matter what everyone else you know is telling you. And always keep in mind that no one can force you to reveal your vote or ask you to explain your choice. No one. Not your spouse, not your neighbors, not your boss, not your preachers, not your local reporter, not your local elected official.

And if anyone pesters you to tell them how you voted, tell them, “None of your business.” Or, if you just want to keep the peace and are so inclined, just lie to them and tell them what you think they want to hear. You know the truth, and that’s all that matters.

I think many voters may vote against their true conscience for fear of scorn, or mocking, or even retaliation by those in their lives who want them to “follow the herd.”

Don’t fall for it. Keep your vote to yourself. It’s your constitutional right.

All those fears go away if you just remember your vote is not only sacred, it is secret.

John Moore
