October 17, 2024

Letter to the Editor: A proven record in his community

Letter to the Editor

The citizens of Iowa House District #38 have an outstanding young candidate to support in the upcoming election. Brad Magg is a life-long resident of District #38. He has been serving others since the age of 14 when he and his mother started Magg Family Catering.

Brad has a long record of service in his community. He is a member of the Colfax City Council, vice president of Colfax Main Street, past president of Jasper County United Way. He is a graduate of the Leadership Iowa program. Brad has been involved in serving his community all of his life and believes in the promise of the communities of Iowa. In 2014 he was named one of the Business Records’ 40 Under 40 leaders.

When Colfax was in danger of losing its long-time pharmacy, Brad stepped up and became a co-owner of Spring City Pharmacy to ensure that the citizens of his community continued to have access to a drug store. He has been a positive influence in revitalizing downtown Colfax.

Brad believes in Iowa’s public school system. He supports providing adequate funding to Iowa’s schools. The public school system in Iowa used to be the envy of the nation. Brad Magg will help restore Iowa’s schools to their role of being envied for excellence.

He believes in having a tax system that is fair and progressive to all. Our tax policy in this state should be fair to all and provide the services that Iowans expect from their government. Brad is an entrepreneur who understands how tax policies can affect economic development. He is a business owner (in fact of several businesses). He knows what it means to meet payrolls and other expenses associated with a business.

Brad Magg is an individual who will work across party lines to get things done not only in District #38 but for communities throughout Iowa. Brad is a consensus builder who will do what is right and in the best interests of the citizens of our district.

I have long been impressed with Brad Magg. I am proud to be supporting him as our next representative in the Iowa House and encourage your support of this outstanding young man.

Wade Sheeler
