October 15, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Mike Chapman ... a truly unique friend

Letter to the Editor

Webster’s definition of unique is “one of a kind” and Mike Chapman truly fits the description. This statement is truly born out year after year.

Mike’s program for “Newtonites” at DMACC this past week was sponsored by the Newton United Way, and was titled “An Evening of Stories.” It was nearly two hours of fascinating experiences in his life, centered around more than 60 years in the publishing business and writing a variety of great books, primarily in the field of sports. He held the keen attention of a substantial audience from beginning to end.

Most folks remember Mike when he was publisher of the Newton Daily News in years past. He and his wife Beverly also established the International Wrestling Museum which was in existence several years, and also originated the Iowa History Journal. During these years Mike found time to publish 32 fascinating books on a variety of subjects, including the biography of our past Governor Terry Branstad. I was on hand with Mike when Gov. Branstad came to Newton for the official Introduction. What a fascinating couple we have living with us here in Newton in their semi-retirement years.

I have no doubt exceeded Mike and Beverly in foreign visits, since I have traveled to 78 countries in my 90 years. But, he sure has me beat in book publishing. Mike wrote a very complimentary “Forward” to my first book titled “Olden Days” several years back, and I have since published “My Book of Firsts” this past year. Several others are in the works, but that’s going to be the extent of my book writing. I still have several priorities and challenges in my life during my “Nifty-Nineties” if I live that long.

Thanks again Mike and Beverly Chapman for fitting so well into the Newton community since your arrival years back. You are the best of the best!

John McNeer
