October 15, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Is Dunwell fiscally responsible?

In a recent issue of this paper, it was written that “Fiscal responsibility is of the utmost importance for Dunwell.” The cost of the private school voucher plan will cost well over $200 million in year two. With over 80 percent of that going to families that were already enrolled in private schools. And when income restrictions are eliminated in the 2025-2026 school year and every family currently sending their children to private schools will receive funds, the amount will more than double. How is it fiscally responsible to allocate tax dollars in this way? I also do not believe that it is fiscally responsible to reject federal dollars — which Iowans paid with their tax dollars — to help feed children and families in the summer. A better plan has been promised, but what will that cost? Politics over people.

Mr. Dunwell is not only fiscally irresponsible, he does not listen to his constituents. Most people in Iowa did not want private school vouchers. Most people do not want state-wide book bans. There was already a local process in place to review books for school libraries. Most people did not want the AEA to be disassembled. The property tax bill File 718 is a disaster for small towns. More politics over people.

In the same article in the Newton News, the reporter wrote when referring to Mr. Dunwell, “was noticeably tired this time around.” Let’s do Jon a favor and elect Brad Magg. Instead of rewarding Mr. Dunwell for not listening and spending our money irresponsibly, we can vote for a proven leader. Brad Magg is an entrepreneur, a business person that understands how to invest while maintaining fiscal responsibility, someone with character that truly cares about all of the people of Iowa. Make a plan. Vote. Help your family, friends make a plan. Vote for Brad Magg!

Jeff Eisbrener
