September 18, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Concerns continue over spash pad

Letter to the Editor

Kudos to John Moore on his editorial concerning the splash pad. I’m sure we are two among many who share the displeasure with the city investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in this project.

Could it be explained to us how a splash pad would actually bring families or businesses to our city to compensate for “borrowing from Peter to pay Paul?”

And what happens when there is a problem and the stormwater utility fund is drained?

And will the water used in the splash pad be recycled or will the city be incurring a tremendous water bill each month.

John is right. Kids would be just as happy with a sprinkler attached to a garden hose.

And there is an election day coming up. I hope people will step up to the plate and save us taxpayers from future needless investments.

I’m all for making our city beautiful, but come on!

Marilyn Deutsch
