October 07, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Cross elevates the constitution as a guiding leadership principle

Recently, I attended a forum held for voters to meet and assess three candidates seeking the Republican nomination for Jasper County Sheriff. Following almost two hours of candidate Q&A, the front runner was Tracy Cross. Of them all, he was the only one to elevate the U.S. Constitution as a guiding leadership principle. As the federal government continues its relentless over-reach against states and citizens, it is critical that an elected sheriff stand in the gap with our governor and attorney general who have shown they will fight to protect Iowa sovereignty and the rights of Iowa citizens. Cross is publicly endorsed by a strong conservative Jasper County leader, Brandon Talsma.

After reviewing public records of campaign donor disclosures and who is endorsing particular candidates, I continue to believe Tracy Cross is the most likely to honor his oath to the Constitution and serve his constituents accordingly. Being a good administrator for decades says nothing about fealty to the U.S. Constitution and bold leadership. Coming from a law enforcement family is about the past, not the future. Jasper County cannot afford to remain mired in the past as the rest of the state moves forward toward a conservative, freedom-focused, future. In uncertain times, leaders must stand fast with our liberties. I believe Tracy Cross is the best candidate for the job.

Theresa Dunnington
