September 07, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Miller-Meeks demonstrates honesty and allegiance

To hold value in something or someone is to believe the Independence of the United States must match our tranquility in upholding the principles of God through our entire delegation in Congress. To value the source is to learn what to believe in, to understand that when the dust settles, our independence as a Nation is entrusted to the ones elected with the authority over government.

The framework of Iowa has been well respected in Iowa’s First Congressional District, a State well known for “First in the Nation Caucus” and speaks for all, our Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks. Sometimes we may feel it’s impossible to dream the American spirit we all hope for. Needless to say, the will and soul confidence of Mariannette and the Honorable U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson were inspiring to see at a recent event in Iowa City near the University of Iowa where I continue my studies.

I’ve heard some say we need to fear the future as a dominant force, in their efforts to be governed by another leader. This claim is to be false and yielding this incumbent position would lead to a tale of misfortune. There’s no line between party and demonstrated leadership, only honesty and allegiance, and Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks reflects both.

Trenton Eilander
