September 07, 2024

Letter to the Editor: A vote for Lonnie Appleby

This evening I spoke to Lonnie Appleby, who is currently running for mayor. He answered my questions with complete honesty and complete integrity so there wasn’t any doubt who I will support in the upcoming election!

Lonnie hopes to bring new businesses to Newton and wants them to feel at home here so they will stay. So intends to make things easier for them to achieve which will welcome them.

The first that he desires is for the people of Newton, is an Aldi store on the west side of town. This would be beneficial to those also who live in this area so they wouldn’t have to travel across town to buy groceries.

He believes that all people deserve to be heard and the things they say should always be put into consideration. So will take note of all ideas which won’t be limited on the basis of what he believes. The current administration has continued to be disrespectful when others are stating their thoughts and ideas. Have found this to be true as they have failed to listen to me as well in the last two years.

In order for our town to grow we need someone like Lonnie who has the energy and perseverance as well as motivation to change things for the better. People here deserve better! So please join me in voting for Lonnie Appleby for mayor!

Sue Anderson
