It would do us well to dig a little deeper and question the motives of those who profess to be looking out for best interests.
We are all immigrants and if you want to consider America as the greatest country in the world you have to admit that immigrants did it and are still doing it.
If you are interested in sponsoring a walker or contributing needed items, drop off donations to the Iowa State Extension Office in Newton.
Having a bunch of homeless people living in tents and other temporary shelters littering the sidewalks and underpasses is certainly a concern.
There are real world consequences of year-round daylight saving time.
Huge shoutout to Christopher and his ability to keep so many of us up to date.
In the case of Mumford — Supreme Court of Iowa
Our state legislature has an opportunity to lead the nation in championing the tools that drive agricultural success.
Customers of Black Hills Energy can't purchase SWLA water/sewer/septic exterior line protection.