By Jennifer Konfrst
Iowa House Democratic Leader
Last week, the Iowa Legislature reached the halfway point of the 2025 session, marking the first legislative deadline known as the “funnel.” This process helps streamline the number of bills eligible for debate as we work toward adjournment in May.
Democratic lawmakers remain committed to listening to Iowans and working hard to improve lives. That means putting aside politics, leading with Iowa values, and listening through our disagreements to do what’s best for Iowans.
Since session began, we’ve been introducing bills in our People Over Politics agenda to keep this session focused on the priorities of Iowans, especially lowering costs. Here are just a few of the ideas we’re working on this year:
• Lowering costs for Iowans, including bills to make childcare and housing more affordable, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, and raising wages.
• Supporting public education by increasing support and expanding preschool.
• Restoring reproductive freedom and expanding reproductive health care.
We’ve heard from thousands and thousands of Iowans so far this session and their message to lawmakers is pretty clear: they are fed up with all the politics and lawmakers trying to control their lives. Iowans have registered their strong opposition to a host of divisive bills brought up by GOP leaders and the Governor, including restricting access to vaccines, credit, healthcare, books, housing, food, and jobs.
I’m frustrated, too. I don’t blame them one bit.
It’s easy to dismiss these bills as simply the latest partisan battles at the Statehouse, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. In fact, the votes against these divisive bills have come from legislators on both sides of the aisle. I can also confirm that the thousands of Iowans who have reached out to me or publicly spoken out on these bills include Independents, Republicans, and Democrats.
Despite the divisive start to session, there are a host of bills still being worked on this session that should help Iowans. Some of the ideas include:
• Banning cell phone usage in schools;
• Expanding parental leave for adoptive parents and state employees;
• Hands-free driving to save lives; and
• Helping individuals with disabilities to work and keep their healthcare.
With session not set to adjourn until early May, there’s a lot of work ahead —bills to watch, debates to follow, and decisions that will impact your family and community. You can find out more information on the bills that made it through the first deadline at
While it’s been a disappointing start to session, there’s still time to turn it around. But it won’t happen unless state lawmakers hear from Iowans that it’s time to put politics aside.
Find your state lawmaker at and tell them it’s time to put people over politics.