March 29, 2025

Opinion: IFMA opposed to SF 310 – urges lawmakers ‘please don’t make fire safety illegal’

Our organization represents the men and women who are charged with fire code development and enforcement, public education, and fire investigations for communities in Iowa that have dedicated personnel in these areas of service delivery.

Today, we are urging lawmakers to vote NO to SF 310. This proposed legislation compromises safety in Iowa, puts our residents and firefighters at risk, and prioritizes profit margins above fire safety. Many Iowa communities adopt local code requirements that are appropriate for their community. This legislation unnecessarily removes home rule and considers all Iowa communities in the same way. Fire department capabilities and acceptable risk vary greatly throughout Iowa. When a community recognizes prudent code requirements for development within their local community, they should not be pre-empted by state legislation.

Specific points to consider when considering this legislation include:

1. Iowa already lags behind national averages for fire death rate. The US Fire Administration (which compiles fire data) indicates that the fire death rate in Iowa is 11.3 deaths per 1,000 residential fires (calendar year 2022) which is nearly twice the national average of 6.1 deaths. Prohibiting communities from requiring fire sprinklers (which are highly effective at preventing deaths and minimizing fire impact) is reckless. Prohibiting sprinklers in residential buildings is akin to prohibiting requirements for seat belts in automobiles, it just doesn’t make sense.

2. Removing requirements for safeguards puts firefighters and the public at greater risk. Iowa’s fire departments are running more calls for service – this leaves less firefighters available to handle other calls, which means less firefighters available to fight townhome residential fires. Compounding the issue is the larger size of townhomes (as compared to most single family detached homes) – which requires more firefighters to fight the fire.

3. Preserve local control. Iowans know best what is best for Iowa. Likewise, each city and town in Iowa know best what is right for their community. Local control (home rule) is a central Tenet to Iowans and should be preserved. The local community knows what their fire department is capable of and how best to protect their residents. Let these communities decide what level of protection is appropriate.

Iowa Fire Marshals Association (IFMA)