March 29, 2025

Opinion: Women’s reaction to Trump’s victory

By Steve Corbin

Part 3 of a 3-part series

The first op-ed of this 3-part series (Women’s reaction to Trump’s victory) revealed the feelings of 11 women. Part two portrayed the thoughts of 12 women from across America. In this final op-ed, 13 additional women are expressing their sentiment.

“Last night’s election results were simply devastating because I believed the American people were too intelligent and ethical to elect a president who is crude, rude and incapable of making thoughtful, reasoned and informed decisions on behalf of our entire nation and world. Sadly, I now believe our nation continues to be misogynistic and racially prejudiced; kindness and integrity have taken a back seat to self-interest.” – Molly

“I’m most worried about America’s children – early childhood programs, public schools and health care – and children in other countries that we won’t be helping in the next four years. With Trump the environmental policies -- or the lack thereof – are also in great danger of causing catastrophic damage.” – Sabrina

“It is unfathomable how this despicable, immoral, vile person and his party with their Project 2025 plan is the better choice for our country and its’ citizens. I am beyond disappointed, sickened, sad and angry because their plans directly impact my child and many loved ones.” – Elizabeth

“My heart is broken for the future generations who will ask `why they must fight battles that had been won many years prior.’ My sad answer is not everyone listened and too many chose to follow a narcissistic snake who cares only about himself.” – Mabel

“For me, the election emphasized the fact that as a nation we are lacking in empathy. This quote from FreedHearts sums it up: `If you think you love freedom, but you don’t care if it applies to everyone, what you actually love is privilege.’” – Christy

“Fires, hurricanes, droughts, floods and other climate-related phenomena are more deadly, more expensive, more extreme – a signal that we are currently experiencing the consequences of human induced climate change and that we have teetered past the tipping point and are careening towards an uncertain future. I mourn the acceleration of suffering across the globe that will be perpetuated by a willfully ignorant administration, and I fear for our children who will inherit this planet in chaos.” – Susan

“We, as Americans, have asked ourselves `how did the German people allow such a vile and evil man to rise to power.’ Well, America, we now know how.” – Jeri

“I’m disheartened, sad and angry that over half the population of this nation, including over half the women, would vote for a hate-filled bully, liar, rapist and seemingly, abandon everyday values and morals in the name of the economy. As a retired economist, I absolutely fear what’s going to happen to this nation in the four years to come with his plans for tariffs, spending and tax cuts for the rich.” – Corinne

“After voting in 18 presidential elections, why should I think outcomes might be different? Let’s not give up hope that the young will keep working for the betterment of all.” – Jo

“My young adult granddaughters and gay adult sons are faced with living through the last hurrah of the white man as demographics are changing to reflect the end of their centuries of rule in this country. I can only suggest to my family and others to live life to the fullest while at the same time remembering the responsibilities that come with recreating the country after it implodes.” – Katie

“I am disheartened. The hope of America and her high ideals do not and should not include plans to further marginalize vulnerable communities, to further strip women of their rights, nor to deport millions of immigrants, and yet that is what the majority of Americans have chosen – to my great dismay.” – Kelly

“I cannot believe 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump considering all of his misogynic statements. I also cannot believe how many voters fell for all his lies and crude and vindictive rhetoric.” – Ann

“There is no way to sugarcoat the threats to democracy, the environment, and family well-being that lies ahead of us. We have to look for and cultivate the `green shoots’ (Jennifer Rubin’s term) that can turn us toward greater care and respect for science, truth, and one another.” - Alice

Your reaction to 36 women expressing their opinion regarding the presidential election outcome can be expressed in a letter to the editor to your preferred newspaper. What are YOUR thoughts about the 2024 election outcome with Trump becoming America’s 47th president?

Contact Steve Corbin at