March 13, 2025

Loss of OB-GYN in Newton

By Rep. Jon Dunwell

As many of you are aware, Newton lost their only OB-GYN. Certainly tough news for our community and a continuing part of the medical challenges facing our country and specifically rural America. Back in 2018, articles began to surface predicting our current shortage of OB-GYNs. Reasons cited were…

• An aging physician workforce

• Overall healthcare worker shortage

• Older physicians are retiring earlier than in the past

• Increase in administration and regulatory work

• Medical malpractice costs

• Lack of residency programs

• Lower fertility rates

The Iowa House over the last number of sessions has continued to address the healthcare shortages we face in Iowa and across the country. We have enacted legislation that…

• Provides loan forgiveness to doctors (including OB-GYNs) who make a 5-year commitment to practice in Iowa.

• Protects doctors & hospitals from excessive lawsuits (Tort Reform).

• Creates 1 year Fellowship Programs for Family Doctors who desire training in OB-GYN healthcare.

• Provides funding for Centers of Excellence for birthing centers.

As more and more rural communities become maternity deserts, this issue will continue to be a priority for the Iowa House. I already have had discussions with staff and other members about what else needs to be considered.

Regrettably, some have tried to blame supporting Life as a cause. Shameful and absolutely untrue. Distracting from the real issues is never helpful in trying to solve problems.

My response is simple and straight forward.

1. I am unabashedly about Life and providing care, support, and resources to moms and dads.

2. I never understand arguments that…

• Fail to understand the issue. Important issues require something more than political jabs. They demand research and study. And ultimately, they need solutions that will make a difference.

• Make every discussion regarding healthcare about abortion without limits.

• Paint all medical professionals as abortionists.

I look forward to my continued discussion with our local healthcare leaders as together we work to address this crucial issue. Let’s keep the discussion going!