July 01, 2024

Protesters and sympathizers need a reminder: Hamas hates America

By Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks

Hamas is an internationally recognized terrorist organization funded by Iran – both of which want to destroy America and Israel. They are cowards who shield themselves with women and children. Unfortunately, far-left activists in our communities continue to peddle anti-Israel hate while ignoring – or even enabling – Hamas’ heinous agenda.

More than 250 days after the barbaric October 7 invasion of Israel, Hamas terrorists continue to hold 120 Israeli hostages, use their own people as human shields, delaying and diverting humanitarian aid to Gaza and refusing to release the hostages unless strict and unreasonable demands are met by Israel.

Last week, the Biden Administration announced Israel had accepted a ceasefire and hostage release plan proposed by the U.S. Unfortunately, Hamas, who since October 2023 has been asking for a ceasefire, declined this plan and instead sent in their own demands.

Every time Israel comes to the table with hopes of freeing the hostages in return for a ceasefire, Hamas makes a new, unrealistic demands contrary to Israel’s national security.

Hamas wants the world to forget what happened on October 7th and continue business as usual. No need to worry about the terrorist living next door. All Israel needs to do is trust that these terrorists won’t attack them again.

In response to Hamas’ rejection of peace, Israel carried out its largest hostage rescue operation since the war began and successfully rescued 4 hostages who had been held captive since October. Unsurprisingly, these recused hostages were being held by Hamas in a civilian area. We are grateful they are reunited with their families.

Far-left protesters in our communities completely put their heads in the sand when it comes to Hamas’ violence, with many refusing to unequivocally denounce the terrorist group. Many of these protests – especially on our college campuses - are thinly veiled acts of anti-Semitism.

The choice is clear: I will stand with Israel and the Jewish people against America-hating Hamas and those purveying anti-Semitism in our country.