October 05, 2024

House Republicans’ first 100 days in the Majority

By Mariannette Miller-Meeks

After 100 days in the majority, House Republicans have kept their commitment to America by passing 60 important pieces of legislation with over 80 percent having strong bipartisan support. Despite Democrat control in the Senate and White House, House Republicans have fulfilled our promise to strengthen our economy, hold the government accountable, and preserve American freedom, and we’re just getting started.

On day one, Republicans reopened the doors of the U.S. Capitol to ensure all Americans are allowed inside the Capitol and afforded the opportunity to interact with their elected officials. We also defunded President Biden’s army of 87,000 new IRS agents and forced his hand to end the COVID-19 public health emergency.

In addition to these conference-wide initiatives, I have introduced several pieces of key legislation to deliver results for Iowans and the rest of the nation.

Disclosing Foreign Influence in Lobbying Act

On Feb. 24, I introduced H.R. 1190, the Disclosing Foreign Influence in Lobbying Act, legislation to close a loophole the Chinese Communist Party frequently exploits to conceal its role in lobbying efforts.

Iowans have a right to know who is funding efforts to influence their government officials. For too long, the Chinese Communist Party has taken advantage of loopholes in federal law to push their agenda, and that is unacceptable.

Know Before You Owe Federal Student Loan Act

On March 1, I introduced H.R. 1216, the Know Before You Owe Federal Student Loan Act, legislation that would require Institutes of Higher Education to counsel students before any federal loans are disbursed. Despite efforts by President Biden and Democrats to ‘forgive’ student loans, they are still a major financial commitment and should be treated as such. Before taking out federal student loans, proper counseling for students should be required. We must ensure our students are equipped with the guidance needed to make an informed decision and that they understand the process to pay these loans back.


On March 10, I introduced H.R. 1557, the Better Interoperability for Devices (BID) Act, legislation to require the Department of Health and Human Services to review the interoperability, safety, and effectiveness of medical devices. With constant research, development, and innovation within the medical technology field, it’s imperative new devices are compatible with one another and capable of safely sharing patient data

Biochar Research network Act

On March 17, I introduced H.R. 1645, the bipartisan Biochar Research Network Act. Biochar is a black material produced from biomass that when buried underground sequesters carbon. This bill would create a National Biochar Research Network to test biochar’s ability to absorb carbon on a variety of soil types and to increase crop production. We can all agree that we want to leave a cleaner, healthier planet for our children and grandchildren. Our agricultural sector in Iowa is vital to our economy and biochar sits at the intersection of smart agriculture, environment, and energy practices.

Biologics Competition Act

On March 24 I introduced H.R. 1790, the Biologics Competition Act, legislation to require the Department of Health and Human Services to review the approval process for interchangeable biosimilar products to determine whether any inefficiencies or impediments exist in the approval pathway. Biosimilars are medications that are approved based on demonstrating that they are highly similar to reference medications already on the market. As pharmaceutical prices continue to skyrocket, we must do everything in our power to make lifesaving drugs more affordable for those in need.

Next Generation Fuels Act

On March 30, I was proud to introduce H.R. 2434, the Next Generation Fuels Act. This legislation would promote increased use of higher ethanol blends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve health, and support agriculture’s contribution to the economy and environment. The Next Generation Fuels Act is a major step in ending America’s reliance on foreign adversaries for oil and will put us on the path to energy independence.

House Republicans have delivered real results for the American people in our first 100 days in the majority. We will continue to prioritize the issues that everyday Americans are concerned about.

Mariannette Miller-Meeks currently represents Iowa’s First District in the United States House of Representatives.