March 14, 2025

Iowa House Republicans’ fiscal year 2024 budget highlights

By Jon Dunwell

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, the major portion of our work these last couple of weeks will be on budgets. The House recently released its budget numbers. Listed below are a number of highlights. The Senate has yet to release theirs and we remain over $90 million apart. I believe our continued fiscal responsibility places us in a great position to continue our tax-cutting plan (3.9 percent flat tax phased in until 2026) as well as increase funding to crucial and essential government services.

• $25 million increase in funding for Iowa Nursing Homes over FY23. $10 million more than in the Governor’s budget.

• $7 million increase for mental health care providers over FY23.

• $3 million increase for substance abuse treatment over FY23.

• $1 million increase for psychiatric ICU care units than FY23.

• Maintained our commitment to the Home Community Based Services providers by continuing the rate increase plan started last year.

• $10 million new funding for workforce grants given to students in one of Iowa’s high-demand job areas like nursing, STEM professions, and educators.

• $2.8 million for new funding to provide 10 new professors at the University of Iowa College of Nursing and increase enrollment capacity by 30 percent.

• $2.8 million in new funding for STEM & Advanced Ag initiatives at Iowa State University.

• $1.5 million in new funding for UNI Teacher Education initiatives.

• $7.2 million increase for Community Colleges over FY23, $1.7 million higher than the Governor’s budget.

• $14.6 million increase for the Department of Corrections to attract and maintain correctional officers, $4.3 million more than the Governor’s budget.

• $4.3 million in new funding for legal representation for low-income Iowans.

• $500,000 increase toward Habitat for Humanity’s affordable housing program, doubling our commitment from FY23.

• $500,000 in new funding for the Boys and Girls Clubs for skills training for junior high and high school students.

• $750,000 increase over FY 2023 and the Governor’s budget to help protect Iowa’s animal agriculture industry from foreign animal disease.

• $750,000 in new funds to start the Dairy Innovation Fund.