March 29, 2025

Election workers get a pay increase from Jasper County

Precinct officials to be paid $15 per hour, $15.50 per hour for Election Day work

The pay for precinct election officials has been increased from $12 per hour and $12.50 per hour (for chairpersons) to $15 and $15.50 per hour.

Individuals who work as precinct election officials will now be paid a little extra for their services and the training they have to undergo every year.

Prior to 2019, election workers were paid $10 per hour and precinct chairpersons were paid $10.50 per hour. Their pay was increased that year to the current rate of $12 per hour and $12.50 per hour. Jasper County Auditor Jenna Jennings proposed last week that they now be paid $15 per hour and $15.50 per hour.

According to the resolution presented to the Jasper County Board of Supervisors at the March 18 meeting, election officials are asked to put in 16-hour days; Jennings said there is now increased responsibility for election workers, who also have mandated training on top of everything else they do on Election Day.

“We just feel it’s time that we increase them,” Jennings told supervisors. “It also might encourage more folks to come out and help us.”

Supervisor Brandon Talsma suggested the extra boost in pay amounts to an additional $6,000 to the budget. Supervisor Doug Cupples had no problem with the pay increase, saying he is thankful for the people who dedicate their time to the job. Talsma said the regular volunteers really enjoy doing it.

“They look forward to it,” Jennings said.

Talsma added, “I know several that actually, out of my generation, that use a day of vacation at their day jobs to do it.”

Those interested in participating as poll workers should visit the county’s election website at:

In order to be a precinct election official, individuals must be registered to vote in Jasper County and cannot be a current candidate or closely related to any opposed candidate on the ballot. They have to also accept and adhere to the election official oath and work well with others.

Precinct election officials need to be able to learn, understand, follow and be able to explain election laws. They must have high attention to detail when reading, listening and observing, and they need basic proficiency with iPads or tablets. Workers have to work a full day 6 a.m.-10 p.m. without leaving the polling place.

A precinct election official’s job is to set up the polling place and voting equipment before polls open on Election Day. They also check that persons meet the qualifications to vote, update registrations and perform new registrations. They must also check voters in using tablets and issue ballots.

On Election Day, a precinct worker should instruct voters on how to properly use voting equipment, and then pack the equipment away and tally voters that were checked in when polls close. They also report the votes after the polls close and certify the totals, complete paperwork and clean up the polling area when done.

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.