In order to move forward with the replacement of the bridge along North 107th Avenue West over Clear Creek — classified as Bridge D05 — the Jasper County Board of Supervisors needed to approve three permanent easements. County Engineer Michael Frietsch said there is still one easement needing approval.
“We’re going to be doing a 120-foot, single-span bridge,” Frietsch said. “Given that we’re basically going to raise this thing about 2 feet in the air and with the way the creek is coming into it and everything, I decided to go ahead and try and get a 30-foot strip of additional right-of-way on both sides, north and south.”
Three of the four easements are owned by Trent Clapper. Frietsch is still waiting for the other easement on the northeast corner owned by PCW Famland LLC.
Here are the parcel IDs, how much land the county acquired, how large the parcel is and the costs of these permanent easements:
• Parcel 02-05-300-004, 0.06 acres of approximately 2.2 acres: $436.91
• Parcel 02-08-100-006, 0.05 acres of approximately 18.71 acres: $368.95
• Parcel 02-08-100-001, 0.1 acres of approximately 34.2 acres: $937.36
The permanent easements were approved by the board of supervisors on March 14. In August 2024, the board of supervisors scheduled geotechnical services for Bridge D05. The bridge will be a steel beam bridge with a poured concrete deck. Allender Butzke Engineers Inc. provided the soil borings for the bridge last year.