October 09, 2024

Free alert service offered to property owners in Jasper County

After the Jasper County Courthouse was hit with another lightning strike in May, staff discussed possible protection options during the June 25 board of supervisors meeting.

The Jasper County Recorder’s office is offering a new service known as Property Fraud Alert to Jasper County property owners. This fraud protection program is a free service that alerts subscribers to the possibility of fraudulent activity affecting their property. Property fraud happens when a document is recorded that transfers property to someone else unbeknownst to the rightful owner. This can occur with Quit Claim Deeds or Power of Attorneys that allow signatory powers.

The sign-up process is free and easy. The program notifies subscribers when a document is recorded that has their name on it. Multiple variations of a name, including business names can be entered. Users can choose from any of the following forms of notification: text, email or phone. (Please note text or phone alerts will have a 563-area code and a greeting from the County Recorder.) The program is available in English and Spanish.

The Property Fraud Alert program doesn’t guarantee that a crime will not occur. It allows property owners early notification of possible illegal activity.

Sign up for free at PropertyFraudAlert.com or by calling the Property Fraud Alert Hotline at 800-728-3858 or by visiting https://www.jasperia.org/recorder/. The Fidlar Property Fraud Alert system support team or the Recorder’s staff can assist those who are not comfortable using computers. Feel free to stop by the Jasper County Recorder’s office in Room 102 of the Jasper County Courthouse or call the office at 641-792-5442.