Cody Richards had one last mission. Instead of inspecting fires and enforcing safety protocols, like he did during his most recent nine-month deployment to Romania as a sergeant first class in the U.S. Army, he was to go undercover as the Big Red cardinal mascot and surprise his two sons at Berg Middle School.
In a terrific display of covert espionage, the four-times deployed solider — dressed in a full, red-feathered costume — greeted middle schoolers with high-fives, hugs and waves. His sons Jaiden, 12, and Sam, 11, did not suspect a thing; even when their father sat beside them at the lunch table.
Meanwhile, their stepmother, Mandy, watched from classroom window overlooking the large middle school atrium. While a visit from a giant cardinal isn’t too out of the ordinary at Newton schools, students easily believed Big Red would spend lunch with them since it was Homecoming week.
However, there was another homecoming about to take place.
As soon as he was ready, Cody Richards took off the custom head and revealed himself. The boys were stunned. Their jaws dropped. Dad was home, and he was home for good. They couldn’t get out of their seats fast enough. Arms wrapped around their father’s neck, they buried their faces into his shoulders.
With his mission accomplished, Cody Richards embraced his boys and enjoyed the heartfelt moment. He later told Newton News that he appreciated the support from the Newton Community School District to allow him to make this surprise visit. It was a touching moment to share with his boys.
“I get kinda of choked up talking about it,” he said.
Cody Richards thought about his kids and his family throughout his deployment. Although it was his shortest deployment — and a non-combative one at that — it was also the hardest because there were moments when he did have more time on his hands. It was in those moments he missed his family the most.
To see the reaction he got from his boys, given how difficult the deployment was and how much he missed his family, was indescribable.
“I had a few tears coming,” he said. “I can’t put words to it.”
Mandy Richards added, “I was up there crying. I was like, ‘OK! I’m ready to go down there now!’”
“It was emotional.”