January 14, 2025

Quilts of Valor presented during Prairie Days

Nineteen Quilts of Valor recipients include standing from left: Scott Gilje, Doug Wilson, Bill Rice, Raymond Stecker, David Dominy, Greg Townley, William Kollasch, Janet Townley, Jonathan Buys, Kurt Kollasch and Norman Stoll; seated from left: David Annis, Harold Hill, John Duden, John Borts, Melissa Gilje, Bill Pion, James Clingman, David Wadsworth. Not pictured Ezra Rice (in-home individual award).

Twenty military veterans were honored Saturday, July 27 during the Prairie Days Celebration in Prairie City. Quiltmakers and presenters were Deb Elrod, Marilyn Samson, Judy Sohn and Marcia Grimm. We thank these, and all our brave service members and veterans, for their sacrifice and valor in serving our country.