January 14, 2025

Emergency siren protocols change in Jasper County

System aligns with NWS alerts to enhance timeliness and accuracy

Some storm sirens did not activate during the March 5 storm, which officials say have been caused by communications system upgrade and an installation of new radio consoles.

Jasper County Emergency Management Agency announced last week that emergency siren protocols have changed and will go into effect starting July 21. The changes are designed to align the county’s current local alert system with the Wireless Emergency Alerts sent out by the National Weather Service.

It is believed these changes will enhance the timeliness and accuracy of severe weather notifications in Jasper County.Jamey Robinson, director of Jasper County EMA, said the alignment with WEA alerts issued by the National Weather Service ensures our warning systems are consistent and that residents receive critical alerts simultaneously. Robinson stressed that sirens are for outdoor notification only.“

When they sound, they indicate that you should immediately seek shelter and tune into local media sources for detailed information and instructions,” he said. “Residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new protocol and stay vigilant during severe weather conditions.”

Sirens are activated during these instances: Tornadoes, hail measuring 2.75 inches or larger, winds recorded at more than 80 mph and responder/spotter request. For more information about the changes and how to remain prepared, visit www.jasperema-hls.org or call 641-792-7555.

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.