June 26, 2024

CROWNED: Libbie Keith named 2024 Jasper County Fair Queen

Meredith Chipps fair princess

Meredith Chipps, left, was crowed Jasper County Fair Princess and Libbie Keith, right, took home the title Jasper County Fair Queen at the annual contest June 15.

Jasper County has new royalty. Libbie Keith was crowned Jasper County Fair Queen while Meredith Chipps earned the title of Jasper County Fair Princess at the annual contest June 15 at the Newton Community Theatre.

“(The candidates) have been preparing for the past month,” organizer Codi Holdeman said. “They have been nervous, they have been excited. Today, they’ve cried, they made friendships, they’ve made memories and they’ve gained skills that will last them a lifetime.”

Six girls competed for the crown, all 4-H or FFA members throughout the county. Along with Keith and Chipps, Trinity-Ann Hanson, Rylee DeHaai, Lexi Kephart and Cadie Horn took the stage in hopes of being selected to represent the county.

Emceeing the event were 2023 Queen Jocelyn Harder and Princess Hope Bonham. The candidates started the contest by introducing themselves and their escorts who helped them to the stage. They then showed off a casual clothing ensemble they put together while the explanation of why they selected the pieces was shared.

Working with the 2024 fair theme, the candidates shared what “Stars, Stripes and Jasper County Fair Nights” means to them. Whether it was through dance, song or just their own words, each girl had a unique take on how those words applied to their lives.

The evening gown portion was accompanied by a different random question answered by each of the candidates. Without prior knowledge of what they would be answering, each contestant had to be quick on their feet to give precise answers to the best of their ability.

Then it was the hardest part: the wait. As the judges gathered to make a decision, friends and family in the crowd greeted their candidates to help make the time go a little faster.

About 30 minutes later, the work was done and the girls gathered backstage to find out who would be the next queen and princess. Harder and Horn said a few final words about their time with the titles, each getting choked up as they reflected on what it meant to them to wear the crowns.

To begin the awards, DeHaai was selected as Miss Congeniality for the contest, an honor voted on by the contestants. The time had finally come with Bonham going first, walking back and forth behind the line of candidates before reaching up to place the princess crown on Chipps. Next, Harder followed the same path, working to keep the crowd guessing before she crowned Keith as the newest fair queen.

“This means a lot to these girls,” Jasper County Fair President Roger Zaabel said. “You’re all winners ... this is our future in Jasper County.”

Get to know the 2024 JasperCounty Fair Queen and Princess

Libbie Keith — Newton

Libbie Keith is a 2024 Graduate of Newton High School. She is the daughter of Craig and Angel Keith. During high school, Libbie was on the bowling team, both football and winter varsity cheer teams, played the flute and piccolo in concert and marching band, and was involved in FFA and National Honors Society. Outside of school, she danced in InMotion and is involved in Sherman Sunbeams 4-H Club. Some of her achievements include graduating with highest honors, valedictorian, 4.0 GPA, All-American Cheer and being the first four-time state bowling qualifier in her school’s history. Some of her best memories and friends have come out of being a part of the Jasper County Fair and camping on the grounds. She also enjoys being a role model to the younger kids and influencing them to want to stay active in FFA and 4-H.”Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve dreamed of being the role model that all the little girls, including myself, looked up to,” Harder said. “I am very excited for all the adventures this year brings. It’s a dream come true!”

Meredith Chipps —Monroe

Meredith Chipps is the daughter of Mitchell and Melissa Chipps. She is currently about to go into her senior year at PCM High School. Some activities she is involved in are golf, FFA, 4-H, FCA and National Honor Society. Meredith is excited to serve as princess because she wants to meet more people from the county and express her love for our county fair to others.