March 25, 2025

Q&A with Republican candidate Jeremy Burdess for Jasper County sheriff

3 candidates are contesting the seat for the June 4 primary

Jeremy Burdess

Name: Jeremy Burdess

Age: 51

Hometown: Colfax

1. Introduce yourself to Jasper County voters and tell us why you’re running.

My name is Jeremy Burdess and I am a lifelong resident of Jasper County, having grown up and lived most of my life in Colfax. I have been in law enforcement for the past 14 years. I spent 10 years with the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office serving in a number of different roles there. The last two years I have been the chief of police for the City of Colfax. I am running for Jasper County sheriff because I believe the sheriff’s office and the communities of Jasper County need a fresh perspective, new ideas and a sheriff that will prioritize proactive policing to provide its citizens with a safe place to live and work.

2. What do you feel the role of the county sheriff’s office should be, especially when considering the addition of the ALS program?

The ALS program has grown into a program that is extremely beneficial to the communities in our county. Due to the growth of the program it is my opinion that the program needs to be operated as its own entity and not run through the sheriff’s office. I believe that a focus group comprised of county officials and EMS leaders throughout the county should review this program and see how it can best serve our communities.

3. What sorts of ways do you think the sheriff’s office can improve communication with residents, county departments, other agencies and media?

The sheriff’s office can improve communication literally by meeting with residents, county departments and other agencies and having conversations about expectations and not making assumptions.

4. Do you feel like the sheriff’s office is meeting the needs of its employees and the county residents?

I do not feel the sheriff’s office is meeting the needs of employees or citizens. There is a lack of communication with everyone. With the inception of the ALS program a lot of focus has been put into this and as a result the law enforcement side of the sheriff’s office, their primary function, has suffered and is not meeting the needs of the communities.

5. What are some of the biggest challenges the sheriff’s office is facing currently or is going to face and how would to approach those issues?

The county budget will be a concern to make sure that the necessary programs, equipment, etc are able to be funded. Staffing is an ongoing issue with constant turnover. The new sheriff needs to think outside the box to hire, develop and retain qualified, quality employees.

6. What sort of leader does the sheriff’s office need?

The sheriff’s office needs a leader that will prioritize his employees, the citizens and the communities in Jasper County over himself and his position. They need a leader that will move Jasper County forward and not settle for “I think we are doing a good job.” There is always room for improvement. They need a leader who will listen to others and not think that their way is the only way. Jasper County needs a leader who will be proactive to prevention as well as enforcement

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.