October 18, 2024

Prairie City Lions Club donates to Cub Scout Pack 348

Lions Club President Greg Townley and Cub Scouts from PCM Cub Scout Pack 348 are shown with donations received at the Pancake Breakfast March 23.  Lions Club members in the back row are John Buys, Janet Townley, Arnie Sohn and Shonna Ellis along with Scout Master Ross Baxter.

The Prairie City Lions Club conducted a pancake breakfast March 23 to raise funds for the PCM Cub Scout Pack 348. Scouts assisted with advertising and working at the Pancake Breakfast. The breakfast netted $346.60 of profit which was all donated to the Scouts.

The Prairie City Lions Club has completed pancake breakfasts in September, October, January, February, March and April. Proceeds have been donated to various local civic organizations.

If you are interested in being involved in the Lions Club contact Lion President Greg Townley at 515-321-5085 or gregory.a.townley@gmail.com or one of the other members to learn more about becoming a member.