September 18, 2024

Newton Village receives customer experience award

Newton Village is proud to share news of a unique award. Newton Village satisfied the rigorous demand of scoring in the top 15 percent of the nation across a 12-month average. The community has received the 2024 Pinnacle Customer Experience Award in the following categories:

Assisted Living: Variety of Food/Menu Choices, Quality of Food, Dining Service, Activities, Individual Needs, Safety and Security, Recommend to Others, Overall Customer Experience

Independent Living: Variety of Food/Menu Choices, Quality of Food, Dining Service, Activities, Individual Needs, Safety and Security, Recommend to Others, Overall Customer Experience

Skilled Nursing: Overall Satisfaction, Nursing Care, Dining Service, Quality of Food, Cleanliness, Individual Needs, Laundry Service, Communication from Facility, Response to Problems, Dignity and Respect, Recommend to Others, Activities, Professional Therapy Services, Admission Process, Overall Customer Experience

Newton Village Executive Director Angela Adam thanked everyone who contributed to the recognition.

“We are humbled to receive such recognition. Many thanks to the amazing residents, loved ones and team members that makeup the Newton Village family,” Adam said. “The team does a wonderful job demonstrating our service standards every day.”

She added the Newton Village team personifies Ephesians 4:16: “From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, make the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”

Throughout 2023, Newton Village residents and their families participated in monthly telephone interviews where they answered open-ended questions and rated the community in multiple categories.