March 27, 2025

NCSD welcomes community input for proposed elementary boundaries following configuration

Proposed boundary maps show Aurora Heights students will either move to Emerson Hough or Woodrow Wilson

Proposed boundary maps show what tranisitions for students may look like when the district moves forward with renovating Aurora Heights Elementary and closing Emerson Hough Elementary and Woodrow Wilson Elementary in the coming years

As a result of a large-scale district downsize and a multi-million dollar renovation of Aurora Heights Elementary in Newton, it is proposed that students be relocated to either Emerson Hough Elementary or Woodrow Wilson Elementary next school year, depending on if they live north or south of First Avenue East.

Ginna Wallace, a planner of RSP & Associates, presented the district’s proposed boundary plan to teachers and Cardinal families during two community input meetings this past week. The school board is expected to vote on the plan at a future meeting in March, but officials wanted further community feedback.

According to the presentation from RSP & Associates, the boundary adjustment plan reflects a two- to three-year transition plan to allow for facility renovation at Aurora Heights Elementary and Thomas Jefferson Elementary. The district was reminded to consider students impacted by the boundary change.

From the 2024-2025 school year to the 2025-2026 school year, the district’s plan is to close Aurora Heights Elementary for renovation while leaving the three other elementary buildings operational. The target is to have 25 students per section, three sections per building and to have 20 students per section in K-1.

By the 2026-2027 school year, the district wants to transition to two core elementary schools, with Aurora Heights Elementary reopening as a K-4 and Thomas Jefferson Elementary as a K-4. Emerson Hough Elementary and Woodrow Wilson Elementary would be repurposed.

When developing the proposed boundary plan, the district took into consideration enrollment projects based on births in the community, housing, economic indicators and several other factors. The final boundary plan would largely split the district’s map into two sections for both elementary buildings.

“We’re proposing this plan where all of the Aurora Heights students that live north of the highway would go into Emerson Hough, and then the Aurora Heights students that live south of the highway would move to Woodrow Wilson,” Wallace said, noting Thomas Jefferson’s boundaries have a domino effect.

In addition to splitting up the Aurora Heights Elementary students into two buildings, the transition boundary plan for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years also greatly reduces Woodrow Wilson Elementary’s initial boundaries. Which means a number of them will be transitioned to Thomas Jefferson.

Many of the students living south of South 13th Avenue East and west of West 12th Street South will be moved to Thomas Jefferson Elementary.

Surveys are open for community feedback until Feb. 20.

To participate in the survey, visit

To access the maps, visit

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.