September 12, 2024

Lucy’s Pet Pantry and Newton RAGBRAI Committee honored for their service

Dodd’s Trash Hauling & Recycling and VanMaanen Electric earn Community Rock Star Awards

The Newton RAGBRAI Committee accepts the Key Award from Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Amanda Price during the 125th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on Jan. 18 at the DMACC Newton Campus Conference Center. Photo by John Lee Photography.

Two businesses, the young founder of a local nonprofit and a community group of volunteers were honored for their services to the city during the Newton Area Chamber of Commerce’s 125th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on Jan. 18 at the DMACC Newton Campus Conference Center.

Craig Armstrong, economic development specialist for the City of Newton, was the award ceremony’s emcee and introduced the winners of the Key Award, Community Service Award and Community Rock Star Awards for small and large businesses after the social hour, dinner and presentations.

Key Awards are usually given out to specific projects or an event from the past year, and it can be given to a specific organizer or committee. The winner of this year’s Key Award was the Newton RAGBRAI Committee for its organizing of activities and events during the 50th anniversary of RAGBRAI.

The route included a ride through Newton, which was selected as a pass thru town, Armstrong said. Although this designation is much less intensive than an overnight town, the logistics were nevertheless extensive and required coordinated community effort to plan and organize and recruit volunteers.

“It was a massive undertaking, especially by the core group of volunteer leaders who had produced a highly successful overnight stop for RAGBRAI in 2018,” Armstrong said at the ceremony. “They are all community heroes, and we are so proud of their vision and their commitment.”

For being an outstanding example of selfless community service, the Newton Chamber awarded the Community Service Award to Lucy Eckert, the founder of the Jasper County nonprofit Lucy’s Pet Pantry. The organization was created in 2020 and is dedicated to providing pet products to residents in hard times.

Lucy’s Pet Pantry has partnered with a licensed veterinarian to offer low-cost spay and neuter services, as well as trap-neuter-return clinics for stray cats. Between May and November of 2023, more than 200 cats were spayed or neutered in this program in an effort to relieve strain on community resources.

Lucy Eckert of Lucy's Pet Pantry receives the Community Service Award from Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Amanda Price during the 125th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on Jan. 18 at the DMACC Newton Campus Conference Center. Photo by John Lee Photography.

Community Rock Star Awards are given to businesses who have been operating for a number of years, and they must also give back time to the community. And businesses must also encourage and allow their employees to volunteer during work hours, including board and committee roles and community events.

“They’re a total asset to the community,” Armstrong said. “They go out of their way to keep the community thriving, giving time and talent and resources back to the community with projects, events and nonprofits. The Chamber Spirit Committee chose three nominees in two categories: small and large.”

The nominees for the large business Community Rock Star Award were: Newton Theisen’s, Van Maanen Electric and Newton Walmart. The winner of the award was Van Maanen. Armstrong said if you appreciate the lights on the Jasper County Courthouse during the holidays, they are all donated by Van Maanen.

Representatives of Van Maanen Electric, Inc. receive the Community Rock Star Award for a large business from Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Amanda Price during the 125th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on Jan. 18 at the DMACC Newton Campus Conference Center. Photo by John Lee Photography.

The nominees for the small business Community Rock Star Award were: Dodd’s Trash Hauling & Recycling, Alpha Media (KCOB and Energy 106.7) and Rigg’s Printing & Brand Promotions. The winner of the award was Dodd’s, which was accepted by Liz and Dave Dodd.

“You do a great job and we appreciate you,” Armstrong said.

Liz and Dave Dodd of Dodd's Trash Hauling & Recyling accept the Community Rock Star Award for a small business from Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Amanda Price during the 125th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on Jan. 18 at the DMACC Newton Campus Conference Center. Photo by John Lee Photography.
Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.