March 04, 2025

Iowa’s largest college fair Sunday in Altoona

Students explore link between college and career at Golden Circle Fair

A college and career fair is the ideal place to learn more about schools and programs students might consider too far away to visit.

The Golden Circle College & Career Fair is being held this Sunday in Altoona and will showcase nearly 100 colleges, universities, and career resources — creating an opportunity for those planning for college or career training within the next couple of years to explore options. The fair is free and open to the public.

A college and career fair is the ideal place to learn more about schools and programs students might consider too far away to visit, too expensive or exclusive, or otherwise unattainable. Presented by the ICAN, the Greater Des Moines Partnership, Prairie Meadows, Iowa Farm Bureau, and Iowa Building Trades, the fair runs from 1 to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 24 at the Prairie Meadows Conference Center in Altoona.

What makes the Golden Circle fair unique is the focus on creating a purposeful link between college and career. Central Iowa business and industry leaders will provide students with information on new and emerging career opportunities in Iowa, as well as the education and training needed to join certain career fields.

“Enabling students to talk about the careers they are interested in, to learn about the education or training required, and then to walk across the room and talk to colleges that offer that program or training is something we are really excited about this year. It’s a game changer for many students,” Brittania Morey, event coordinator and vice president, marketing and communications for ICAN, said.

Students of all ages and at all stages of the planning process are encouraged to attend and talk one-on-one with school and business representatives about making college and career choices.

“In today’s ever-changing job market, it’s important for students to not only plan for college but to have a career path in mind when they are making college decisions, and to understand the expectations employers will have once they graduate,” Morey said. “Our event sponsors bring career expertise and data to a new level and present it in a way that’s easy for students and parents to understand and apply to their situation.”

Iowa schools will be joined by colleges from nine different states including Arizona, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas, Illinois, South Dakota, Nebraska and Wisconsin, among others. To see the complete list of exhibitors, visit

Students can also find suggestions for preparing for college fairs, making the most of their visits and what to do after a fair online. ICAN advises fairgoers to make a list of questions for schools and to take preprinted address labels to stick on college information cards. An additional option is the College Fair Barcode, a pre-fair service that lets students register for and print out copies of a personal barcode to be scanned by colleges in lieu of completing information cards. For more information about the Golden Circle College and Career Fair, or to register for a barcode visit: