Three days after Jasper County Auditor Dennis Parrott retires from his office of 18 years, the board of supervisors will be interviewing the three candidates interested in being appointed to the vacant seat. The board on Dec. 27 scheduled the interviews on Jan. 3 in the supervisors chambers.
Jasper County Supervisor Brandon Talsma recommended the interviews take place at 1, 2 and 3 p.m., suggesting there are three people interested in the job. The supervisors voted 3-0 to set the interview times. Talsma said he will send emails to the three individuals notifying them of their time slots.
By the time Parrott announced his retirement in mid-October, he still had two years left of his term. Parrott’s last day is Dec. 31.
In November, the Jasper County Board of Supervisors decided to fill the vacant county auditor seat by appointment rather than hold a special election. From the time a new auditor is appointed by the supervisors, citizens have 14 days to petition the action by collecting more than 1,500 signatures.
Mike Kaldenberg, a member of the Jasper County Republican Party, asked the board of supervisors to change their opinion on filling the vacancy for Parrott’s position and instead hold a special election. The voters of Jasper County, he said, have the right to have a “clear and open and transparent” process.
“I’m not accusing you of anything backroom, but the perception is there,” he said. “So I would ask you to fulfill those duties and call for that special election.”
Talsma addressed Parrott directly, who was serving his last board meeting. He thanked the county auditor for his years of service. Although he only worked with him for four years, Talsma said he appreciated his insight and spending hours in his office talking through issues with him.
“You’ll be missed and I hope you have a good retirement,” he said.
Jasper County Supervisor Doug Cupples said although the two have had a few ups and downs in their days, there have been more ups than downs.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done,” Cupples said.
Parrott thanked the supervisors for their kind words, telling Cupples the good thing about him is that he doesn’t hold grudges. The county auditor also praised Talsma for his leadership, calling him a “super supervisor” and “one of the best” he has seen serve Jasper County.
“I will miss working with you guys,” Parrott said.