March 26, 2025

Supervisors waive second and third readings for truck shed schematics

Secondary roads structure would serve as truck bay and ‘jumping off point’ for future buildings

Schematics show what the truck shed may look like for the secondary road department's new yard.

Jasper County Engineer Michael Frietsch on Dec. 20 presented the board of supervisors with a schematic plan of the main structure featured in the Phase 1 construction of the new secondary roads yard along Liberty Avenue. The main structure is a year-round, 12-door garage that would also store equipment.

The building will be split up into three sections. Frietsch said there will be trench drains down the middle of the floor and spray washers in the back, allowing for vehicles to get washed down and stay warm in an insulated area. The site will also include utilities, a restroom and a loader bay, among other amenities.

“So this building is going to act both as the truck bay and it’s also going to act as the jumping off point, if you will, for utilities for future buildings out there to a certain extent,” Frietsch said. “There’s also a pesticide storage area included … It’s a wood pole barn structure.”

Secondary roads is looking at something similar for motor grader sheds. Frietsch expects the truck shed to have tan siding with a dark brown roof, trim and doors. Compared to the facilities the engineer’s office has now, the new shed is longer and has a little more functionality, Frietsch said.

Other parts of the Phase 1 project include salt shed storage structures and a fuel pump station. Designs for the schematics were created by FRK Architects and Engineers. The board of supervisors waived the second and third readings and approved the schematics and narrative for the truck shed in a 2-0 vote.

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.