March 06, 2025

Main Street moves to Legacy Plaza

Organization will also maintain presence at satellite office in downtown Newton

Newton Main Street Executive Director Erin Yeager moved into a new office on the fifth floor of Legacy Plaza. Yeager will still maintain a satellite office in downtown Newton.

Newton Main Street moved in to its town square office space at a time when it was a struggle for downtown businesses to fill vacant buildings. With the square now practically brimming with new retailers and unique shops, it is time for the organization to give attention to another side of the Main Street District.

Erin Yeager, executive director of Newton Main Street, has moved out of her old office on the east side of the square to the fifth floor of Legacy Plaza Building 18, 403 W. Fourth St. N., Suite 509. Yeager has been operating Main Street in the new office space since Dec. 5. The move was announced in mid-November.

In the announcement, Yeager notes a large part of what Main Street does as a program is invest in the future of its district. Which means growing and stabilizing the economic vitality of downtown Newton while also celebrating and preserving its rich historic character and build pride in the district.

“We believe this move will give us the opportunity to collaborate more closely with the City of Newton community development team on grants and our historic preservation efforts, as well as allow more room for small business owners to grow by utilizing the available retail space which our old office provides.”

Of course Main Street will still have a footprint in the downtown area. In addition to the new office space, Yeager will work Tuesdays and Thursdays out of a satellite office at Forbes Office Solutions, 102 N. Second Ave. E., at the east door entry. Yeager will be in her main office Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

“Everything is all in one big room, which is nice!” Yeager said of the new office. “…But we still have to communicate with the building owners, the business owners and being just visible. It’s important to have that good relationship with everybody downtown so I can learn what their needs are.”

Main Street rebuilt its program and rebranded itself in the office space of Hotel Maytag. Part of Main Street is to have a thriving downtown. At the moment it is very much thriving. Leaving the old office also meant giving the space to a potential business. In fact, Yeager said the old space has already been filled.

Proximity to community development and other city departments is a big deal for Main Street, which frequently collaborates with staff for projects and events. Being in Legacy Plaza, too, allows Main Street to find ways to help the development efforts around the DMACC Newton Campus.

“And help build the bridge between the two districts,” Yeager told Newton News. “It’s always been build Main Street over to Legacy Plaza. Now I’m going to reverse and start building Legacy Plaza over to Main Street. And that also brings the Harmony Park into play.”

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.