March 29, 2025

HD38 candidates talk gun rights amendment, eminent domain, mental health

Republicans a no-show at League of Women Voters forum, leaving Dems and Libertarian to share messages

From left: Iowa House District 38 candidates Erick Zehr, a Democrat, and Michael Wood, a Libertarian, participate in a League of Women Voters forum on Oct. 20 in Newton High School.

Editor’s note: The following is part one of a two-part series covering the League of Women Voters forum. In an effort to reduce redundancies, Newton News has decided to not feature responses that were featured at the past forum held by the chairpersons of the Republican and Democratic parties. Only House District 38 candidates Erick Zehr and Michael Wood and supervisors candidates Bev Price and Pam Olson could make it to this recent forum.

The elephant in the room at the candidate forum held by the League of Women Voters of Jasper County on Oct. 20 was that there was no elephant in the room.

Republican candidates announced months ago they would not be participating in the forum, a trend that has extended to other parts of Iowa and even across the country. Three Democratic candidates and one Libertarian candidate attended the local forum, which was recorded by the high school group Cardinal TV.

After a 30-minute round of questions, Democratic candidate Erick Zehr — who is campaigning for Iowa House District 38 — told the audience he did not understand what Republicans were so scared of when refusing to participate in the League of Women Voters forum this year.

“It is so silly to me that this forum and this organization has been demonized and dragged through the mud,” Zehr said. “The League of Women Voters is an organization that promotes … educating the public, protecting women’s rights, protecting voting rights, advocating for democracy.”

If a political party’s goals and missions do not align with those endeavors, then Zehr said that says more about the party than it does the organization holding the forum. Although the League of Women Voters was told Republicans would not be participating in the event, they did leave seats open for those individuals.

None of the Republicans running for statehouse or for the county board of supervisors had changed their minds. Zehr pointed to Rep. Jon Dunwell’s empty seat, saying the lawmaker pretends to care about the will of his district, pays lip service and then turns around and does whatever he or the governor wants.

“And it’s particularly offensive in an election where the future of our education is at stake, the future of the rights of the women in Iowa is at stake,” Zehr said. “These are issues that are critically important to the citizens of Iowa, and those decisions should be made with their best interest in mind.”

Although Zehr’s Republican opponent was not present, libertarian candidate Michael Wood — who is running for the same House district — was at the forum to offer guests a different perspective. Though he kept his responses short, he made his stances clear: He stands for the rights and liberties of citizens.

Limited government, local control, elimination of state income tax, abortion rights, same-sex marriage protections, the legalization of marijuana and supporting school choice were among the many issues Wood stood for. If elected, he would do “whatever he could” for the people of his district.


When asked their opinion on the proposed gun amendment to the Iowa Constitution, Zehr said it is one of the most important issues coming up on the ballot in this upcoming election. Unfortunately, he said, it is flying under the radar. The issue is up to citizens to vote on during this upcoming election.

The proposed constitutional amendment reads: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

Critics say it could impede future control legislation in the state. A “yes” vote would add the language to the Iowa Constitution. A “no” is opposed it. Zehr said the first two sentences are fine, but his issue is with the third sentence, specifically the use of the phrase “strict scrutiny.”

“Strict scrutiny is a legal definition,” he said. “There are three standards for legal processes and the highest and hardest one to clear is strict scrutiny. And what that does is that undermines all of the gun legislation that we have in Iowa to date. And it would make all future legislation significant harder to pass.”

It would have to go through the court system, in addition to the legislation, Zehr added. Wood would support the amendment, saying it is one of the individual rights Iowans have and should maintain. But Wood is not sure why it needs to be put in the Iowa Constitution, saying the U.S. Constitution guarantees that right.

“And I think this would just reaffirm it, and I’m all for that,” Wood said.


The Republican majority could not pass an eminent domain bill last year that would have protected farmers from unwillingly giving their lands for a carbon pipeline project. Candidates were asked if the lack of support to move the law forward signals a lack of support for farmers.

Wood and Zehr were also if they would support the bill if it was introduced again. The libertarian candidate was unsure the bill’s failure to pass shows a lack of support for farmers. However, Wood is against the government forcibly taking away land that belongs to citizens.

“I’m against eminent domain abuse and I would support a bill that would curtail that,” Wood said.

Zehr agreed. Eminent domain usage is difficult to paint with a broad brush. It is difficult to say it should never be used. What it comes down to is ultimately the affect of a particular usage in a particular instance, or case by case. Zehr said there should be a balance between public good and private land ownership.

“For me, too often we’re seeing pipelines put in and eminent domain usage simply for private corporation profit,” he said. “They want to move oil, they want to move carbon, somewhere else just to help increase profits. For me, that fails to meet the criteria of being for the better good of the public.”


Zehr and Wood do not believe Iowa adequately funds mental health. Essential services should be provided to citizens. Zehr pointed to the $1.9 billion surplus, suggesting the state government has opportunities to provide or create better mental health services.

“We have people waiting with these incredible wait lists. Weeks, months just to be seen just because there is so much demand with no options available to these people,” Zehr said. “Mental health is something we are just, as a society, finally starting to understand the severity of, the seriousness of.”

Taking steps backwards would be detrimental. Funding mental health services and research is critical, Zehr said. Wood would go so far as to say he supports increased funding for mental health, stating he has a number of family members with mental health issues.

“When my boy was 12 years old I had to have him institutionalized for a week under suicide watch,” he said. “I have really good insurance so I wasn’t worried about that bill. There are other people who don’t have that luxury like I have … That’s one of the shortfalls of our state. We need to increase mental health spending.”

Wood said he would support a bill legalizing recreational use of marijuana and that also uses some of the generated sales tax to go toward mental health treatment and addiction treatment.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext 560 or at

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.