March 29, 2025

Democratic, Republican party chairs organize joint forum Oct. 15

Smith and Nearmyer say voters get opportunity to hear both sides

Leaders from both major parties in Jasper County have teamed up to coordinate a candidate forum, which may be the only way voters will see opposing viewpoints. The forum will be held at noon Oct. 15 at the Newton Community Theatre, 1701 S. Eighth Ave. E, and will allow supervisor and statehouse candidates to share their views.

Organized by Republican party chair Thad Nearmyer and Democratic party chair Michelle Smith, the forum will be split into statehouse candidates and supervisors candidates. Attendees of the forum may ask questions of candidates, which will be handled by a professor from Central College acting as moderator.

Smith is pleased the parties are able to come together and co-host the event.

“Knowledge is powerful and I believe the voters will have an opportunity to hear stark contrasts between the candidates and realize our country is teetering on danger,” Smith said. “Danger of rights being stripped away. This started with the SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade. The GOP will not stop there.”

Which is why Smith believed co-hosting the forum was important because “democracy is on the ballot.” Nearmyer said the forum is the only chance for voters to see candidates from both parties interacting with each other in the same place and at the same time.

“If that’s something that interests the voter, there’s your chance because Republicans are not participating in the League (of Women Voters) forum,” Nearmyer said. “…I think (the Democrats’) leadership is pretty strong. I think it says a lot that they will work with us on this.”

Bonnie Pitz, president of the League of Women Voters of Jasper County, is supportive of the forum. The local League of Women Voters is hosting its own forum as it has nearly every election year. While Pitz and the organization are supportive of the forum, it is not part of it.

“We are willing to support and facilitate other nonpartisan engagement opportunities as best we can, as long as they align with our nonpartisan commitment of never supporting or opposing any candidate or party and are conducted in a fair and civil manner,” Pitz said.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext 560 or at

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.