March 11, 2025

Park board ranks walking trails as top priority for Sunset Park

Results of a survey show better accessibility and more amenities are needed

Students paint a mural during Red Pride Service Day on May 4 at Sunset Park in Newton. Park board members took a survey ranking their priority amenities for the Sunset Park concept plan. Many of the top of priorities, like walking trails, would improve accessibility.

Survey results show members of the Newton Park Board want paved walking trails to be a top priority for the Sunset Park concept plan.

The survey had park board members rank a number of amenities in order of importance for their inclusion in a new Sunset Park concept plan, the results of which were shared during their Sept. 21 meeting. Ranked immediately behind paved walking trails was a dog park and inclusive playground equipment.

After those top three choices, the following amenities came directly after in descending order: upgrade existing parking lots, fitness stations, a year-round restroom, trail lighting, a second shelter/restroom, patio at the shelter, second parking lot, basketball court, baseball field, splash pad and sculpture pads.

Newton Community Services Director Brian Laube began the discussion about the Sunset Park concept plan at the July park board meeting. After looking through the list of amenities, altering some items and removing others, Laube compiled them into an online survey for park board to take.

“Why this survey is important, I think, is this is beneficial,” Laube said. “A project like this, once we get through the concept plan and revising that, because of all these items here, a project like this will probably be phased. This is kind of a great roadmap based on what park board says.”

Phasing off the plan depends on the cost of each item. One item in particular, the dog park, already got the go-ahead thanks to a successful passing of the recent park bond referendum. Laube said staff is already working on the design and survey work on the dog park. The fencing will be put out to bid this fall, he said.

Laube expects construction could be completed by early spring 2023.

Construction of the dog park will not affect the sledding hill or the shelter. Laube highly anticipates to bring a draft of the dog park plans for the next park board meeting, showing board members how it will be laid out. He will also show how other amenities will fit into the greater concept plan.

Park board has noted its top goal is creating an updated concept plan for Sunset Park, which would come up with a number of improvements. Judging by their survey results, park board members are just as eager to provide new amenities as they are about improving the accessibility of the park.

Coupled with the paved walking trails, upgrades to the existing parking lot and the construction of a new parking lot off of North Eighth Avenue East, the board is at least aware of the need for more accessible entries to the park. The board did not make any actions on the survey nor the concept plan last week.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext 560 or at

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.