Seventy years ago Harry S. Truman was president of the United States, “I Love Lucy” was a popular television show, mass production of the penicillin was reached, Joe DiMaggio retired from baseball and Mrs. C.A. (Vera) Peck raised her gavel for the first meeting of the Skiff Medical Center Auxiliary.
During the Auxiliary’s 20th anniversary, hospital administrator March Ihm reported that Skiff was a pioneer in Auxiliary work. Following the strike of that first gavel two decades earlier, 100 other Auxiliary organizations had started. At the ceremony, a silver bowl with 20 pink roses was presented to Mrs. Peck. The Auxiliary’s second president, Mrs. Ray McMurray, reported about a trip to Chicago where Skiff Auxiliary competed with 77 other auxiliaries concerning their activities. Skiff came away as the winner! To celebrate and promote the addition to the hospital, they sponsored a parade around the square.
At least 52 women have served as president, with many serving several terms. Debby Pence currently holds the record of the longest time in the role, serving from 2002 to 2009. From its beginning the purpose of the Auxiliary was to provide funds for the hospital. In the early years women gathered for sewing projects, making bandages and performing daily rounds to each room.
In 1952 the Auxiliary purchased a case to be placed in the lobby to sell candy, gifts and cigarettes. Improvements continued and other projects and purchases were completed. The Auxiliary purchased portable television sets, physical therapy equipment, a defibrillator, CPR mannequins, nursery bassinets, surgical carts, etc. During the years the projects changed; however, the focus remained on making possible the purchase of medical equipment and providing scholarships to area students seeking professions in various medical fields. The first scholarship was given in 1957 and that master plan has continued, with a range of 10-22 scholarship awarded annually.
The Auxiliary has raised funds in numerous ways. A major project is the gift shop that has grown by leaps and bounds and today is known as one of the Newton’s best-kept secrets, with an abundance of clothing, household decor, and jewelry. Successful benefit balls were held at the country club in the ‘70s and ‘80s, which interesting themes and melodic dance bands. For several years the Auxiliary held a successful event called “Chair-ies Jubilee,” in which local artists decorated chairs that were auctioned. In 2012, the Skiff Medical Center Foundation (led by Bruce Hoffmeier and Leisa Zylstra) worked with the Auxiliary to launch the Gala as our annual fundraiser. The Gala celebrated its 10th anniversary on April 9, 2022.
On Thursday, May 12, the Auxiliary will hold their annual Spring Scholarship luncheon at the First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall 309 E. Third St. N. The community is invited to attend. Please RSVP by May 6 to Judy Swenson, 721 W. 11th St. S., or drop your check at the Auxiliary gift shop by Friday May 6th. The cost of the luncheon is $12.
Happy birthday, MercyOne Newton Auxiliary.